Thursday, July 24, 2008


i am good again. i have destressed my life. not being a ta this semester, cutting down on my extracirricular activities, and not going to the convention. all of which were causing me way too much stress and anxiety. i feel good now. i feel like i can do and be successful all the rest of the areas in my life. classes, coursework, work, 1 or 2 groups, the lsat, and applying to law school. on top of which i have to figure out what i'm doing the second semester (whether internship or find an off campus job or ?), find an apartment in indy, figure out what i'm doing in case i dont get in, if i do get in, figuring out financial aid, etc etc etc. so i still have a lot on my plate. but now it's do-able. i fill like i can handle everything and be successful in it all. i feel good.

Friday, July 18, 2008


well it's july 18 and summer is almost over. stress is pretty much been how my summer has gone. missing brian tons (though he still makes everything amazing, always calls every night, always comes down early when he can, etc), didn't do as well on the lsat the first time because i stressed myself out about it way way way way way too much, taking it again in oct, life transition next yr from college student to either law student (which would be great) or have to work in the real world for one year and then attend law school the year after that (which wouldn't be all that fun but sometimes you can't get life perfectly planned/worked out like you exactly want it), moving next yr to Indy, lots to do in the next few months, have to look at apartments in indy, finish law school apps, continue studying for the lsat, take the lsat, deal with whether or not I get into Indy this year, keep remembering that if I dont get in this yr, im taking the lsat again and again until i get the score i need to get in or ill apply to val or john marshall or some other law school (@ least i know i can get into law school, that's not the issue...the issue is whether i can get into my top choice: indy, and like i said even if it doesnt happen this yr it will the next or the next yr because this is something i absolutely know i can do, the absolute only reason i messed up in june is because I stressed myself out too much and it is NOT because it's not something i can do which does make me feel a lot better), and of course trying to get out of the democratic convention and also if so, possibly having to deal with my parents (oh what fun). however, i'm an adult, i've been through many many different situations before and i know i am stressed, i need to address it immediately and clear out stress from my life, destress myself, work on handling stress better, and keep pushing forward with brian right by my side through all of it. i know i can do this and everything else i want to accomplish. its just a rough time but ill get through it. to destress myself, im working on not going to the convention and either not being a ta for sept or the entire semester. w/ those two big stressers gone, i feel that i will be much happier, much less stressed, and much better able to handle everything else that goes on in my life like working, class, activities, applying to law school, and the lsat.