Thursday, July 24, 2008


i am good again. i have destressed my life. not being a ta this semester, cutting down on my extracirricular activities, and not going to the convention. all of which were causing me way too much stress and anxiety. i feel good now. i feel like i can do and be successful all the rest of the areas in my life. classes, coursework, work, 1 or 2 groups, the lsat, and applying to law school. on top of which i have to figure out what i'm doing the second semester (whether internship or find an off campus job or ?), find an apartment in indy, figure out what i'm doing in case i dont get in, if i do get in, figuring out financial aid, etc etc etc. so i still have a lot on my plate. but now it's do-able. i fill like i can handle everything and be successful in it all. i feel good.

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