Friday, March 7, 2008

late night posting

It's Friday night, first night of spring break, my boyfriend left a little while ago :(, and i decided to take the night off and read law school blogs..oh how fun! it scares me. the constant reading, studying, people complaining they never have any time whatsoever, always working, no matter how hard the A students in high school and college work its just not good enough except for Cs and Bs, and how so many people dont make enough money to pay off their law school debts, and you name it. I know I can do it. If other people can, I certainly can. Additionally, I feel that law comes naturally to me. I understand it easily. Hopefully that will transfer over to law school and all my law school classes/assignments/readings/etc. It is nice though to thorougly prepare one's self for law's scary....@ least I can imagine the worst and be pleasantly surprised and happy if it turns out to be a tiny bit better than absolutely horrible. I used to want to go to law school to save the world. Now I want to go for the prestigous, the money; and by money I realistically know I wont be making millions or probably even a couple hundered thousand...but I will be more than happy for a starting salary of 70000 to 120000.....if i could make anything starting @ 85 or up I would be absolutely thrilled! That's for a starting salary! Law school, preparing, financial aid, fafsa, studying, fitting time to do everything into my day, getting through college, getting through all these things to do on a daily basis....everything is always on my mind. @ least in law school i wont have a job to take up all my time. and my b/f future finace will want to go to sleep early too since he will have to get up early. i'll either have law school classes early or have to get up around that time to study etc so i wont have to do it @ night. there's just always so much on my mind. one of the reasons i started this get some of it out.